PopShelf Penny List How To Find Pennies at Popshelf

We have a PopShelf Penny List. In this video I also include how to find penny items at Popshlef.

Popshlef is a sister store to Dollar General. In fact, many PopShelf stores are a mix between Dollar General and PopShelf.

Popshelf Penny List

Popshelf has penny items just like Dollar General. At thepennylist.com we unfortunately do mot get the popshelf penny list in advance however if we notie something has pennied we do post it.

✔ For weekly Dollar General penny list follow my main channel Christa Coupons.

✔ I teach you how to penny shop at Dollar General stores in this video

Do not ask Popshelf or Dollar General employees about penny items. Penny shopping list and surprise penny items. These are seasonal or discontinued items the employees are supposed to ne removed from the sales floor. When the items do not get removed we can buy them for a penny.